Breathworks - Founders Journey

Client: Breathworks

Challenge: Breathworks, a mindfulness organisation, approached us to create a Founder Documentary. The goal was to share the story of how Vidyamala Burch's personal journey led to the formation of Breathworks. Their mission is to help people dealing with pain, illness, and stress reclaim their lives.

Solution: The shoot day was straightforward, involving a two-camera setup and an interview with Vidyamala. However, we had limited location options for additional footage. To address this, we used archive imagery from Vidyamala's life and employed creative editing techniques to breathe life into these images.

Sound design was crucial, aiming to convey the pain and suffering Vidyamala experienced in her youth.

The resulting documentary was placed on Breathworks' homepage as a moving introduction to the organisation's mission.

Unique Consideration: During our initial video strategy discussion, we recognized the importance of keeping this documentary separate from an upcoming animation that explained how Breathworks operates. Each film had a distinct purpose. Emma, Head of Marketing & Communications at Breathworks, supported this approach.

Outcome: The Founder Documentary effectively conveyed Vidyamala Burch's inspiring journey and Breathworks' core principles. It engaged viewers and established a strong connection with the organisation's mission. By keeping it separate from the upcoming animation, we maintained a clear focus on the emotional story behind the organisation's beginnings, resonating well with Breathworks' audience.

For further information about our video production services please feel free to get in touch with us

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Toni Williams - Founder of The Square Genius

Hi, I’m Toni. My mission is to create powerful websites for charities, non profits and purpose-led organisations dedicated to making a positive impact on the environment, communities, animal welfare and many more.

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